
Nigerian cuisine is renowned for its rich flavors, vibrant spices, and diverse cooking techniques. As the culinary world evolves, finding a balance between flavor and health has become increasingly important. In an exciting collaboration, the Nigeria Conservation Foundation, in partnership with CIDAC International Venture, is organizing a Native Food Tourism event that celebrates the unique cooking techniques of Nigerian native foods while promoting a healthy approach to food. In this blog post, we explore the significance of cooking techniques in Nigerian cuisine, their impact on flavor and health, and how this event showcases the best of both worlds.

Preserving Traditional Cooking Techniques:

Nigerian cuisine is steeped in tradition and cultural heritage. The Native Food Tourism event organized by the Nigeria Conservation Foundation and CIDAC aims to preserve and promote traditional cooking techniques that have been passed down through generations. From the use of earthen pots and charcoal stoves to grinding spices manually, these techniques not only contribute to the unique flavors but also serve as a link to Nigeria’s culinary history.

Enhancing Flavor with Natural Ingredients:

Nigerian cooking techniques excel at enhancing flavor using natural ingredients. The art of seasoning, marinating, and slow cooking allows the flavors to develop and meld together. Techniques such as steaming, grilling, and roasting bring out the natural sweetness and depth of flavors in ingredients like meats, vegetables, and spices. By using minimal oil and relying on the inherent taste of the ingredients, Nigerian cuisine strikes a balance between flavor and health.

Embracing Nutritional Benefits:

The collaboration between the Nigeria Conservation Foundation and CIDAC emphasizes the importance of a healthy approach to food. Nigerian cooking techniques often emphasize the use of fresh, locally sourced ingredients, which are rich in nutrients. Traditional dishes like egusi soup, moi moi, and amala are not only flavorful but also packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Through the Native Food Tourism event, attendees can learn about the nutritional benefits of different dishes and cooking methods, promoting a holistic understanding of Nigerian cuisine.

Showcasing Modern Innovations:

While preserving traditional cooking techniques is crucial, the Native Food Tourism event also highlights modern innovations that align with health-conscious practices. Native cooks experts participating in the event will demonstrate how traditional recipes can be adapted to suit dietary preferences and address health concerns. From incorporating more vegetables and lean proteins to exploring alternative cooking methods, the event showcases the versatility of Nigerian cuisine in catering to diverse tastes and dietary needs.


The Native Food Tourism event organized by the Nigeria Conservation Foundation and CIDAC International Venture is a celebration of the artistry, flavors, and health-consciousness of Nigerian cuisine. By emphasizing traditional cooking techniques while promoting a balanced approach to flavor and health, the event offers a unique opportunity to explore the depth and richness of Nigerian culinary traditions. Attendees will gain a deeper appreciation for the cultural significance of cooking techniques, the flavors derived from fresh ingredients, and the nutritional benefits of Nigerian cuisine. Through this collaboration, the event aims to inspire a greater understanding and love for Nigerian food, both locally and internationally.

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