
As I walked through the streets the other day, a cry rang out that stopped me in my tracks. It was the soul-wrenching wail of a widow who had just lost her husband – the one who had cared for her and provided for the family. Her tears of anguish pierced my heart.

All around me I began to notice the cries of other widows and widowers – those who are now alone, struggling to make ends meet and provide basic necessities for themselves and their children. The loss of a spouse leaves such a huge gap, both emotionally and financially.

Too often their groans go unheard. As the pressures of daily life consume us, it’s all too easy to ignore the suffering of those in our communities. But we must open our eyes and our ears to really see and hear the depth of their pain and need.

There are small ways we can reach out to help lighten their load. By shopping at Native Food Mart and donating some of the profits to support widows and widowers, or even gifting them a grocery package through “Buy and Gift”, we can let them know someone cares. A gift of food goes a long way towards easing the financial burdens of daily living.

As we enjoy the company of our own families this season, let us remember those facing the holidays alone, missing a husband or wife. Let’s do what we can to wipe away their tears and answer their cries for help. Together, through small acts of compassion, we can make a big difference in the lives of our neighbours in their time of deepest sorrow and need.

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