During the cold seasons, it’s important to nourish our bodies with immune-boosting foods to help defend against coughs, colds, and flu. Luckily, Nigerian cuisine is full of ingredients and dishes scientifically shown to strengthen immunity. Here are some top native foods to incorporate into your diet:

Carrots – Whether blended into soups or stews or eaten raw, carrots are packed with beta-carotene which transforms into vitamin A. Vitamin A supports tissue health in mucous membranes lining the respiratory tract.

Sweet Potatoes – A staple crop in Nigeria, sweet potatoes provide antioxidants and vitamin C. Just one medium potato covers over 100% of your daily vitamin C needs which is vital for white blood cell function and antibody production.

Yellow peppers – These colorful fruits contain vitamin C levels even higher than citrus fruits. Add yellow bell peppers or scotch bonnets to your suya, stews, or Snacks to boost your daily immune-supporting vitamin C.

Ginger – Ginger’s antimicrobial compounds have anti-viral and anti-inflammatory effects helpful for warding off colds. Grate fresh ginger into soups, stews, or hot drinks like honey water for an immune-boosting warm-up.

Bitter leaf soup and Okazi soup – Loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants in addition to antimicrobial phytochemicals, bitter leaf soup and Okazi soup is a superfoods for cold and flu season. Its antibacterial properties may also help reduce fever.

Egusi soup – Rich in iron, zinc, and healthy fats from toasted egusi seeds, this supercharged soup supports immunity in multiple ways. The minerals, omegas, and plant compounds all contribute to robust immune defenses.

Ugu (Pumpkin leaves) – Ugu supports immune cell function with vitamins A, and C and antioxidants equally powerful as kale or spinach. Its anti-inflammatory compounds soothe symptoms and speed healing.

Incorporating these immunity-boosting Nigerian ingredients and dishes into your diet is a delicious way to naturally strengthen your defenses during the cold season. Stay healthy by feeding your body traditional superfoods from your roots.

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